KFC Durian Mochi Campaign 2021

'Balls in the Bucket’

The ask:
Create awareness and hype for KFC’s new Golden Durian Mochi.

The solution:
Convinced KFC fans of the authentic (soft and creamy) flavour of the Mochi through engaging social content.


To build excitement around Durian Mochi, and encourage KFC’s followers to grab their KFC Durian Mochi before it’s too late, we created a contest that asked them to do just that.

Sold Out Post

When the Durian Mochi inevitably sold out, we announced it on social with a short animated video of Durian Mochi running out to the last piece.


Creative Director: Mark Ong

Art Director: Trang Dang

Copywriter: Geraldine Ho


KFC Face Mask


KFC Breakfast Campaign 2020